Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Who even watches coming-of-age films anyways?? Today we will discuss the target audience of our film as well as the effect this genre has on its audience.

Our target audience is girls ages 12 to 18 which is the typical audience in coming-of-age films. This age group is typically caught in the Identity vs. Role Confusion level which allows them to relate more to the characters and plots frequently portrayed in this genre. Films like the Princess Diaries show an awkward teenage girl who has the opportunity of a lifetime and becomes a princess. The age group of 12-18 is typically a more awkward stage of one's life so they can relate to Mia's struggle in the beginning. The transition shown from "awkward" to "glamorous" caused the teens to feel hopeful that maybe they will find out they are a princess just like in the movie. In this time of their life, they are not sure who they are, what they like, and are trying to learn who they are. 

These movies are typically overexagerated versions of typical teenage experiences. These movies act as inspiration and motivation for teenagers who may be going through a rougher part of their childhood. They can use it as means to keep looking up because opportunity may be just around the corner. With our film, we want to show it is possible to overcome environmental factors in your life - even as a teenager and that no matter how dark it may seem, there is always light to be found. 

Also, if you didn't get it by now, bullseye is a target when playing darts and this is about our 'target' audience. I know - once again, hilarious. Alright, that wraps it up for today!!

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